Quick Information

Class location: 4030 SC

Time and days: 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. Tuesday/Thursday

Instructor: Professor Frederick Stern

Office: 223C Stanley Hydraulics Lab

Phone: (319) 335-5215

Email: frederick-stern@uiowa.edu

Office hours: 10:45 a.m. to 11:20 a.m. Tuesday/Thursday, or by appointment

Other classes: 57:020 (ENGR:2510), ME:7268, ME:5160:0001

Teaching Assistant

Name: Christian Milano

Email: christian-milano@uiowa.edu

Duties: HW questions and grading

TA office hours: After class or by appointment 

Class News

Check here for class news. 


Zoom link for lectures during inclement weather:


Lecture Notes

Chapter 1 & 2 - Preliminary Concepts & Fundamental Equations of Compressible Viscous Flow

Chapter 3 - Solutions of the Newtonian Viscous-Flows equations

Chapter 4 - Laminar Boundary Layers

Chapter 5 - The Stability of Laminar Flows

Chapter 5 - Overview Introduction Stability of Laminar Flows

Guest lectures

  1. Dr. Massimo Miozzi
    abstract, slides
  2. Dr. Ginevra Rubino 
    abstract, slides

Chapter 6 - Incompressible Turbulent Instantaneous and Mean Flow

Chapter 6 - Incompressible Turbulent Flow