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Class # | Date | Important Concepts | Problems Assigned, |
1 | Aug. 22 | Definition fluid; continuum hypothesis; fluid properties
Example1: Density (1.36) |
| 23 | No lab |
2 | 24 | Viscosity, shear stress and rate of strain; compressibility; vapor pressure/cavitation;
Example1: Shear stress (1.74) Example2: Shear stress Example3: Surface tension (1.127) Example4: Shear Stress (1.80) | 1.41 (g,r,SG) 1.51 (ideal gas) |
| 25 | No lab |
3, L1 | 26 | Fluid Mechanics: AFD, EFD, and CFD (Download) | 1.82 (Shear stress) 1.129 (Surface tension) |
4 | 29 | Pressure definition, force, and transmission; absolute/gage/vacuum; (Text 2.1-2.7, Lecture Ch.2)
Example1: Pressure variation (2.8) Example2: Pressure variation (2.23) Example3: Pressure transmission (2.68) Example4: Pressure variation (2.10) | 2.17 (pressure variation) 2.21 (pressure variation) |
| 30 | No lab |
5 | 31 | Example1: u-tube manometer Example2: Differential manometer
Hydrostatic forces on plane surfaces
Concepts of EFD Lab 1 | 2.37 (u-tube manometer) 2.43 (differential manometer) |
| Sep. 1 | No lab |
6, L2 | 2 | Experimental Methodology and Uncertainty Assessment Procedures: EFD EFD Pre-test |
| 5 | Labor Day: No Class |
L3 | 6 | EFD Lab1 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Sep. 12, Report Due Sep. 20; 5:00 p.m. |
7 | 7 | Continued
| |
L3 | 8 | EFD Lab1 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Sep. 14, Report Due Sep. 22; 5:00 p.m. |
8 | 9 | Hydrostatic forces curved surfaces (horizontal and vertical components); buoyancy; hydrometer
Example1: Curved surface (1) Example2: Curved surface (2) Example3: Curved surface (4) (2.119)
| |
9 | 12 | Continued
Example1: Curved surface
Stability immersed and floating bodies
Example2: Buoyancy (2.136) Example3: Stability (block) | |
L3 | 13 | EFD Lab1 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Sep. 19 Report Due Sep. 27; 5:00 p.m. | |
10 | 14 | Continued
Example2: Stability (cylinder)
Rigid body translation and rotation (Text 2.12, Lecture Ch.2) | |
L3 | 15 | EFD Lab1 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Sep. 21, Report Due Sep. 29; 5:00 p.m. |
11 | 16 | Continued
Example1: Translation (1) Example2: Translation (2) Example3: Translation (3) Example4: Rotation (1) Example5: Rotation (2) Example6: Rotation (3) (2.163)
Newton's 2nd Law for a Fluid, Steamline Coordinates, Bernoulli equation
| 2.151 (translation) 2.159 (rotation) |
12 | 19 | Continued Example1: Bernoulli equation (along streamline) (3.3) | 3.2 (Bernoulli Eq., along streamline) 3.14 (Euler Eq., normal to streamline) |
L4 | 20 | EFD Lab2 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Sep. 26, Report Due Oct. 4; 5:00 p.m. |
13 | 21 | Static Dynamic and total pressure, applications Bernoulli equation, Flow Rate (Text 3.5-3.6, Lecture Ch.3)
Example3: Bernoulli equation (3.112)
| 3.8 (Euler equation along streamline) 3.76 (Bernoulli equation, Q) |
L4 | 22 | EFD Lab 2 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Sep. 29, Report Due Oct. 6; 5:00 p.m. |
14 | 23 | Limitations Bernoulli equation
Example1: Bernoulli equation (along streamline) Example2: Bernoulli equation (circular disk) (3.107) Example3: Bernoulli equation (channel flow) (3.113)
Fluid kinematics, velocity, acceleration (Text 4.1 - 4.2, Lecture Ch.4) | 3.99 (Bernoulli equation) 3.132 (Bernoulli equation, channel flow)
15 | 26 | Continued, fluid kinematics, velocity, acceleration
Example1: Velocity (4.4) Example2: Velocity
| |
L4 | 27 | EFD Lab2 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Oct. 3, Report Due Oct. 11; 5:00 p.m. |
16 | 28 | Continued
Example3: Acceleration (1) (4.21) Example4: Acceleration (2) Example5: Acceleration (3)
Control volume approach and RTT (Text 4.3-4.5, Lecture Ch.4) | |
L4 | 29 | EFD Lab2 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Oct. 5, Report Due Oct. 13; 5:00 p.m. |
17 | 30 | Example1: RTT (1) (4.73)
Control Volume Analysis, continuity equation (Text 5.1, Lecture Ch.5)
Example2: Continuity Example3: Continuity | 4.63 (RTT) 5.3 (continuity) |
| 2 | Problem Solving Session Time: 3:30-5:30pm Location: 1505 SC |
18 |
Oct. 3
| Continued
Example1: Steady flow continuity (5.23)
Example3: Falling cylinder | 5.16 (steady flow continuity) 5.26 (unsteady flow continuity)
| 4 | No lab |
19 | 5 | Momentum Equation (Text 5.2, Lecture Ch.5)
Example1: Momentum, nozzle (5.47) Example2: Momentum, bend | 5.37 (momentum, bend) 5.39 (momentum, nozzle/jet) |
| 6 | No lab |
20, L5 | 7 |
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics CFD Pre-test
| 9 | Problem Solving Session Time: 4:00-6:00pm Location: 1505 SC |
21 | 10 |
Review 1
L6 | 11 | CFD PreLab1 - No Report |
22 | 12 | EXAM 1 Time: 11:30 am - 12:20 pm Location: 100PH |
L6 | 13 | CFD PreLab1 - No Report |
23 | 14 | Continued
Example1: Momentum, jet (5.61) Example2: Momentum, jet Example3: Moving vane | |
24 | 17 | Energy equation (Text 5.3-5.5, Lecture Ch.5)
Example1: Head loss (5.104)
| |
L7 | 18 | CFD Lab1 - Report Due Nov. 1; 5:00 p.m. | |
25 | 19 | Continued
Example1: Energy, pump (5.118) Example2: Energy, pump (5.119)
Concept of Hydraulic and Energy Grade Lines | 5.114 (energy, turbine) 5.117 (energy, pump) |
L7 | 20 | CFD Lab1 - Report Due Nov. 3; 5:00 p.m. |
26 | 21 | Application of the Energy, Momentum, and Continuity Equations in Combination
Example1: Energy + momentum (1) Example2: Energy + momentum (2) Example3: Sluice gate |
5.124, 5.128 (energy + momentum)
27 | 24 | Differential Analysis, relative motion, vorticity, continuity, and stream function (Text 6.1-6.2, Lecture Ch.6)
Example1: Continuity+vorticity (6.4) Example2: Streamfunction (6.26)
| 6.12 (continuity+vorticity) 6.17 (streamfunction) |
L8 | 25 | EFD Lab3 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Oct. 31, Report Due Nov. 8; 5:00 p.m. |
28 | 26 | Momentum equation and differential analysis of fluid flow
Example1: Exact solutions of NS (Couette flow)
Concepts of EFD Lab 3 & CFD Lab 2
| 6.79 (Couette flow) 6.96 (Laminar Pipe) |
L8 | 27 | EFD Lab3 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Nov. 2, Report Due Nov. 10; 5:00 p.m. |
29 | 28 | Continued
Example2: Pipe flow (6.89_5e)
| 30 | Problem Solving Session Time: 3:30-5:30pm Location: 1505 SC |
30 | 31 | Dimensional homogeneity; dimensional analysis; Pi theorem; Important non-dimensional parameters (Text 7.1-7.7, Lecture Ch.7)
Example2: Pi parameters (2) (7.13) | |
L8 | Nov. 1 | EFD Lab3 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Nov. 7, Report Due Nov. 15; 5:00 p.m. |
31 | 2 | Similarity and model testing (Text 7.8-7.11, Lecture Ch.7)
Example1: Re similarity (1) (7.49) Example2: Fr similarity (1) (7.44) Example3: Re similarity (2) Example4: Fr similarity (2) Example5: St similarity (7.84)
| 7.66 (Re similarity) 7.58 (Fr similarity) |
L8 | 3 | EFD Lab3 - Data Reduction Sheet Due Nov. 9, Report Due Nov. 17; 5:00 p.m. |
32 | 4 |
EFD Lab3 concepts: drag calculation
Viscous Flow in Pipes, entrance and developing flow, laminar flow, friction factor (Text 8.1-8.2, Lecture Ch.8)
Example1: Laminar pipe flow
| 8.21 (laminar) 8.25 (laminar) Due November 11 |
| 6 | Problem Solving Session Time: 4:00-6:00pm Location: 1505 SC |
33 | 7 |
Review 2 | |
L9 | 8 | CFD PreLab2 - No Report |
34 | 9 | EXAM 2
Time: 11:30 am - 12:20 pm Location: 100PH
| |
L9 | 10 | CFD PreLab2 - No Report | |
35 | 11 | Turbulent flow (Text 8.3, Lecture Ch.8)
Example1: Turbulent pipe flow (8.29) Example2: Turbulent pipe flow | |
36 | 14 |
Roughness, application pipe systems (Text 8.4-8.7, Lecture Ch.8)
Example1: Friction factor Example2: Head loss (8.53) Example3: Friction factor Example4: Head loss (8.47)
8.44 (rough pipe) 8.45 (smooth pipe)
L10 | 15 | CFD Lab2 - Report Due December 2; 5:00 p.m. |
| 16 |
Roughness, application pipe systems continued,
Example1: Head loss (8.49) Example2: Flow rate Example3: Pipe diameter (1) Example4: Pipe diameter (2) Example5: Pipe diameter (3) (8.104)
8.89 (flow rate) 8.102 (pipe diameter)
L10 | 17 | CFD Lab2 - Report Due Dec. 5; 5:00 p.m. |
38 | 18 | Minor losses,
Example1: Minor losses (1) Example2: Minor losses (2) Example3: Minor losses (3) Example4: Minor losses (4) (8.79) Example5: Minor losses (5) (8.61) Example6: Minor losses (6) (8.98) | |
| 21 |
| |
| 22 |
| |
| 23 | Thanksgiving Recess | |
| 24 |
| |
| 25 |
| |
39 | 28 | Flow over immersed bodies, lift and drag, boundary layer theory (Text 9.1-9.2, Lecture Ch.9) Example1: Laminar BL (1) Example2: Laminar BL (2)
Summary of EFD and CFD study for the flow around Clark-Y airfoil | |
| 29 | No lab |
40 | 30 | Laminar boundary layer, continued, and turbulent boundary layer Example2: Transitional BL drag (9.26) Example3: Turbulent BL drag
| 9.49 (laminar BL drag) 9.54 (turbulent BL drag) |
| No lab | |
41 | 2 | Turbulent boundary layer, continued Example1: Turbulent BL velocity profile | |
| 4 | Problem Solving Session Time: 3:30-5:30pm Location: 1505 SC | |
42 | 5 | Bluff body drag and lift (Text 9.3-9.5, Lecture Ch.9) Example1: Turbulent BL drag (1) Example2: Turbulent BL drag (2) Example3: Stokes flow Example4: Drag (1) (9.54) Example5: Drag-roughness | |
| No lab |
| |
43 | 7 |
Review 3
| 9.113, 9.120 (lift) |
| 8 | No lab | |
44 | 9 |
Post-test, Post-survey
| |
11 | Problem Solving Session Time: 4:00-6:00pm Location: 1505 SC | ||
| 12 |
FINAL EXAM Time: 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM Location: C20 PC |