Starboard bow flow for model 5512 at Fr = 0.28.
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Results from towing tank experiments for David Taylor Model Basin model 5512 are presented for resistance, sinkage and trim, wave profile, and nominal wake tests and uncertainty assessment. Model 5512 is a 1:46.6 scale, 3.048 m long, fiber reinforced Plexiglas hull, which is a geosim of DTMB model 5415, a 1:24.8 scale 5.72 m model. The model is unappended, i.e., not equipped with bilge keels, shafts, struts, propellers, or rudders. The resistance and sinkage and trim data are for Froude numbers 0.05-0.45 and free model condition. The wave profiles and nominal wake data are for Froude numbers 0.28 and 0.41 and fixed-model condition (at the dynamic sinkage and trim for each Fr). The test design, measurement systems, and uncertainty assessment are described. The uncertainty assessment methodology rigorously follows the AIAA Standard S-071-1995. The results are discussed with regard to the data trends and uncertainties, including Fr effects. Future work is mentioned. The data contributes to the surface-ship resistance and propulsion model-scale database for computational fluid dynamics validation, as part of an international collaborative project between Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research, Istituto Nazionale per Studi ed Esperienze di Architettura Navale, and David Taylor Model Basin on experimental and computational fluid dynamics and uncertainty assessment for a combatant geometry.
Data, Equipment, and Conditions
Data | Equipment | Fr | Locations |
Resistance | 20 kg loadcell | 0.05-0.45;DFr = 0.05 | – |
Sinkage and trim | Linear potentiometers | 0.05-0.45;DFr = 0.05 | – |
Wave profiles | Markers | 0.28, 0.41 | x / L = 0-1; Dx / L = 0.02 |
Near field wave elevations | Servo-type wave gages | 0.28 | x / L = -0.2-1.3, y / L = 0-0.082 |
Far field wave elevations | Capacitance wires | 0.28 | x / L = -0.2-1.3, y / L = 0.082-0.39 |
Nominal wake flow field | 2DPIV | 0.28 | x / L = 0.935, y / L = -0.05-0, z/ L = -0.045-0 |
Sample Image
The photo below shows the starboard bow flow for model 5512 at Fr = 0.28.

Sample Data
The graphic below shows nominal wake U contours and VW vectors for Fr = 0.28.

Gui, L., Longo, J., and Stern, F., (2001), “Biases of PIV Measurement of Turbulent Flow and the Masked Correlation-Based Interrogation,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 30, pp. 27-35. (pdf)
Gui, L., Longo, J., and Stern, F., (2001), “Towing Tank PIV Measurement System, Data and Uncertainty Assessment for DTMB Model 5512,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 31, pp. 336-346. (pdf)
Longo, J. and Stern, F., (2005), “Uncertainty Assessment for Towing Tank Tests With Example for Surface Combatant DTMB Model 5415,” J. Ship Research, Vol. 49, No. 1, pg. 55-68. (pdf)