
Graphic showing flat plate experimental set-up.

Results are presented from a towing-tank experiment of 3D separation and free-surface turbulence to provide detailed documentation of the flow appropriate both for explicating the flow physics and validating computational methods.  The model is NACA24 which is a 1.2 m chord length, vertical, surface-piercing hydrofoil.  The data includes far and near field wave elevations, surface pressures, and wave profiles on the hull at three Froude numbers (Fr = 0.19, 0.37, 0.55).

Data, Equipment, and Conditions

Data Equipment Fr Locations
Boundary layer and wake flow field 2D LDV 0.13 x / L = 0.5, y / L = 0-0.03, z / L = -0.125-0
x / L = 1.25, y / L = 0-0.06 z / L = -0.125-0


Sample Image

The experimental setup for the flat plate tests shows a medium steepness Stokes wave on the plate at Fr = 0.4 (above). The submerged horizontal hydrofoil (white) is shown upstream of the vertical, surface-piercing flat plate (black), and the starboard flow straightener is shown on the far right side of the photo.

Photo showing the experimental setup for the flat plate tests

Sample Data

Graphic showing sample data

Contours of boundary layer x / L = 0.5 and wake x / L = 1.25 axial velocity (U) measurements for Fr = 0.13 (above).


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