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Flat Plate
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Results are presented from a towing-tank experiment of 3D separation and free-surface turbulence to provide detailed documentation of the flow appropriate both for explicating the flow physics and validating computational methods. The model is NACA24 which is a 1.2 m chord length, vertical, surface-piercing hydrofoil. The data includes far and near field wave elevations, surface pressures, and wave profiles on the hull at three Froude numbers (Fr = 0.19, 0.37, 0.55).
Data, Equipment, and Conditions
Data | Equipment | Fr | Locations |
Boundary layer and wake flow field | 2D LDV | 0.13 | x / L = 0.5, y / L = 0-0.03, z / L = -0.125-0 x / L = 1.25, y / L = 0-0.06 z / L = -0.125-0 |
Sample Image
The experimental setup for the flat plate tests shows a medium steepness Stokes wave on the plate at Fr = 0.4 (above). The submerged horizontal hydrofoil (white) is shown upstream of the vertical, surface-piercing flat plate (black), and the starboard flow straightener is shown on the far right side of the photo.

Sample Data

Contours of boundary layer x / L = 0.5 and wake x / L = 1.25 axial velocity (U) measurements for Fr = 0.13 (above).
Stern, F., Parthasarathy, R., Huang, H.P., and Longo, J., (1995), “Effects of waves and free surface on turbulence in the boundary layer of a surface-piercing flat plate,” In: ASME fluids engineering Conf. Symp. on free-surface turbulence, Edited by E. Rood and J. Katz, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York, FED-Vol. 181, p. 37.
Stern, F., Hwang, W.S., and Jaw, S.Y., (1989), “Effects of waves on the boundary layer of a surface-piercing flat plate: experiment and theory,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 33, pp. 63.
Stern F., Choi, J.E., and Hwang, W.S., (1993), “Effects of waves on the wake of a surface-piercing flat plate: experiment and theory,” Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 37, pp. 102.
Longo, J., Huang, H.P., and Stern, F., (1998), “Solid/free-surface juncture boundary layer and wake,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 25, pp. 283–297.
Kang, D.H., Longo, J., Marquardt, M., and Stern, F., (2008), “Solid/free-surface juncture boundary layer and wake with waves,” Proc. 27th ONR Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics, Seoul, Korea, 2008.