Front-quarter view of the bow flow around the NACA24 shows a sharp wave elevation increase at x/ c = 0, separated flow downsteam of the bow wave, and significant free-surface turbulence.
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Results are presented from a towing-tank experiment of 3D separation and free-surface turbulence to provide detailed documentation of the flow appropriate both for explicating the flow physics and validating computational methods. The model is NACA24 which is a 1.2 m chord length, vertical, surface-piercing hydrofoil. The data includes far and near field wave elevations, surface pressures, and wave profiles on the hull at three Froude numbers (Fr= 0.19, 0.37, 0.55).
Data, Equipment, and Conditions
Data | Equipment | Fr | Locations |
Wave profiles | Markers and video | 0.19, 0.37, 0.55 | x / c = 0-1; Dx / c = 0.025 |
Near field wave elevations | Servo-type wave gages | 0.19, 0.37 | x / c = -0.50-1.50, y / c = 0-0.459 |
Far field wave elevations | Capacitance wires | 0.19, 0.37, 0.55 | x / c = -2.0-3.0, y / c = 0.135-1.01 |
Surface pressures | Pressure transducers | 0.19, 0.37, 0.55 | x / c = 0.0613-0.8613, z / c = -0.9304-0.0854 |
Sample Image
Front-quarter view of the bow flow around the NACA24 shows a sharp wave elevation increase at x/ c = 0, separated flow downsteam of the bow wave, and significant free-surface turbulence.

Sample Data
Near and far field wave elevation contours for Fr = 0.37.

Abbott, I.H. and Von Doenhoff, A.E., (1959), “Theory of Wing Sections,” Dover Publications Inc., New York, 693 pp.
Zhang, Z. and Stern, F., (1996), “Free-Surface Wave-Induced Separation,” ASME J. Fluids Eng., Vol. 118, pp. 546–554.
Kandasamy, K., Wilson, R., and Stern, F., (2001), “Unsteady RANS Simulation of Free-surface Wave-induced Separation,” Proc. 26th ATTC, Webb Institute, Glen Cove, N.Y.
Metcalf, B., Longo, J., and Stern, F., (2001), “Experimental Investigation of Wave-induced Separation Around a Surface-piercing Hydrofoil,” Proc. 26th ATTC, Webb Institute, Glen Cove, N.Y.
Metcalf, B., (2001), “Experimental Investigation of Free-surface Wave-induced Separation Around a Surface-piercing NACA0024 Hydrofoil,” M.S. thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA., 143pp
Metcalf, B., Longo, J., Ghosh, S., and Stern, F., (2006), “Unsteady Free-surface Wave-induced Boundary-layer Separation for a Surface-piercing NACA 0024 Foil: Towing Tank Experiments,” J. Fluids & Structures, Vol. 22, 77–98pp.