There are hundreds of links that are of interest to the fluid mechanician. Here are a few to get you started.

National Laboratories and Organizations


Ames Research Center  (Mountain View, CA)
Dryden Flight Research Center  (Edwards, CA)
Langley Research Center  (Hampton, VA)
Lewis Research Center  (Cleveland, OH)

U.S. Navy

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division (Bethesda, MD)
Naval Undersea Warfare Center  (Newport, RI)
Naval Air Warfare Center
Naval Research Laboratory  (Washington D.C.)
Naval Oceanographic Office  (MS)

U.S. Air Force

Air Force Research Laboratory

U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

Rock Island District  (Rock Island, IL)
Waterways Experiment Station  (Vicksburg, MS)
Cold Regions Research Laboratory  (Hanover, NH)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research
National Ocean Service
National Weather Service

Supercomputing Centers & Programs

National Center for Supercomputing Alliance  (Champaign, IL)
San Diego Supercomputing Center  (San Diego, CA)
Department of Defense HPCMP  (Arlington, VA)
Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Facility  (NASA Ames, Mountain View, CA)

University Laboratories

IIHR—Hydroscience and Engineering  (Iowa City, IA)

CFD Software Companies

Fluent, Inc.  (Hanover, NH)
CFD Research Corporation  (Huntsville, AL)

PIV Companies

Interactive Flow Studies, ePIV  (Rochester, MN)

Online Indices

CFD Resources Online  (Chalmers Univ, Sweden)