Section I

Section I: Project PI, Affiliation, and Contact Information

For the project for which you intend to use CFDShip-Iowa, list the PI, university, government, or company affiliation, and full contact information including postal address, phone number, and email address. This person will be the point of contact for the CFDShip-Iowa license agreement.

Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Section II

Section II: ONR/NSF/Other Government Agency Project Information

CFDShip-Iowa is available for use only on active ONR/NSF or similar government agency grants or contracts that require its use. Below, please list the ONR/NSF/other agency project title, grant/contract number, start and end dates, ONR/NSF/other agency project PI full contact information, and full contact information for the ONR/NSF/other agency program manager most directly related to the project.

Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Street Address
Address Line 2
State / Province / Region
ZIP / Postal Code
Section III

Section III: Application, Intended Use, and Type of Calculation

Please make direct reference to your active ONR/NSF/other agency grants or contracts indicating how CFDShip-Iowa is to be used. Indicate the type of calculation to be performed. List any special features of the physical model that you need the simulation to handle.

Section IV

Section IV: List of Qualified Users and Expertise

Provide a complete list of all qualified users of CFDShip-Iowa, their level of experience/education, and the number of years of CFD experience for each.

Section V

Section V: Source Code

CFDShip-Iowa is distributed in object code format only unless there is a specific need for source code. If so, please justify.

Section VI

Section VI: License Form

I have read, understand, and will comply with the provisions of the CFDShip-Iowa license and will submit a signed copy if approved for receipt of the code.

Section VII

Section VII: Environment

Describe your computing environment and tools you will use to make your calculations. List the computer, OS and version, compilers and versions you will be using.